Moms Need to Deschool to.


"You need to ‘detox’ the children from what they learned in the school system. Actually, as parents, we also need to detox from our years spent in the school system!

Deschooling refers to the period (6 weeks to 3 months) after you have taken your child out of school. Some homeschooling parents also use this term for when they are “taking a break” (although this would be more accurately described as unschooling) or are transitioning from one curriculum choice to another.

Deschooling is similar to detoxing which we know from health sources as a time for changing diet, cutting out junk food, removing unwanted toxins from the human body. Deschooling  is a time where you allow your children freedom and space with no academic work to detox themselves of the school system." Taken from Footprints on our land curriculum website. You may read the whole article by clicking on that link.

We are currently in a transition of moving, and when Lorenzo gave me the go ahead to start packing, I then decided to use this period to deschool, I'm deschooling for the second time🙈. Even though we follow an Eclectic approach to homeschooling, still, within myself I did not believe that what we are doing is enough, I was stressed on the inside, and it slowly started showing on the outside. I know EVERYTHING that I've learned so well from experienced Eclectic homeschooling moms, but I often go through seasons of struggling to shake off that "you learn at a desk with books" mentality. I have realized that moms need healing from the school system to, and that deschooling is so vital for the homeschooling mom as well. My children are doing well and are happy, they say to me "I never want to go to school again", but quietly inside of myself, I have worry and doubt, I'm stressed, and I sometimes lay awake at night thinking if what we are doing is enough. Added, that I had a baby a few months ago, and my very experienced and awesome friend said to me " you do know that you don't have to start with lessons so soon, just read to the children while you are finding a new routine", but I did not listen! and I tried following our old routine and it was rough! So.....I packed the schoolbooks away, and I have been immersing myself in books about homeschooling. It has been a pleasure! and I'm so grateful again for the gift of being able to have my children home with me. 

These are the two books that I have recently read:

This book truly gave me the "kick" I needed. A South African veteran homeschooling mom to 6, is the author here, she is also the co-founder of "Footprints On Our Land" curriculum.

A book written about Charlotte Mason (1842-1923), a British educator who had a sincere love for children. She did not have children of her own, but she knew so much about them! and it comes through clearly in her writings. Miss Mason is very popular in the homeschooling communities all over the world. This is worth the read.

I've also been thoroughly enjoying this YouTube mom, mainly because she is a large family mom to, her videos are real! (her home looks like people live there! and her children are around when she is filming, I can relate to what I see. 😊💓), but she speaks a lot about interest led learning, delight directed learning, and how they handle homeschooling in their home, she also shares her own positive homeschooling experience (she was mostly unschooled during her high school years), it has been a breath of fresh air to watch her and to hear the things she speaks about.

I'm feeling good again! and I'm so happy I can homeschool my precious children. If you are feeling "stuck", then it's okay to pause and deschool for a bit😊. I'm not sure how many times I would need to do it during this journey, but I'm prepared to do it as often as I need. Sometimes I just need a reminder that we are on the right track.

With Love



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