Are Contraceptives and Sterilization Okay?


This post is connected to the post I put out earlier today: The Blessing of Children. 

Some women experience some degree of infertility due to hormonal birth control use, using it for many years, and when they want to conceive it takes very long, or worse, it has lifelong effects. Some mothers actually put their daughters on birth control from the age of 13 years old, by the time they get married, they struggle to conceive. Some women (young and old) have said to me that they regret getting sterilized. Because I have many children, it is fascinating to some, and I often end up in a conversation about conception to a woman, so I've heard many different stories, from women who have walked this road.
Be careful about contraceptives and sterilization, don't make a decision right after you have just given birth, obviously at that stage you will be thinking "never again".

If you would like to learn more about the dangers of hormonal birth control, you can watch an interview on The Becket Cook Show, Dr Monique Ruberu , a gynecologist, speaks out about it: Do Contraceptives Cause Abortions?

In my teenage years, many girls used birth control, some used it to prevent pregnancy, but some also used it to prevent acne in the face. When I was 19 years old, I used an emergency birth control ("the morning after pill"), I bought it within the right time frame that it states one should use it, and I ended up having an ectopic pregnancy, I had no idea that I had already conceived! so quickly! I used the emergency pill while the process of the fertilized egg was moving through my fallopian tube, ready to implant into my womb, but the emergency pill stopped that process, and the fertilized egg "got stuck" in my fallopian tube, sadly we ended up losing that baby and I lost my right fallopian tube, it's a miracle that I'm still having children!, because after the operation the Doctors told me that I would struggle to conceive ( that is a testimony for another time๐Ÿ’— womb is very precious to me).

Dr. Abby Johnson (a Prolife Activist, former Planned Parenthood Director, and the reason why the movie "Unplanned" was created) speaks up about contraception on a YouTube channel called Natural Womanhood, they have a website to, and on there you can find many testimonies by women who have been negatively affected by hormonal birth control. These types of stories won't be easily shared in the mainstream media: Hurt by Birth Control
If you are feeling very fearful of becoming pregnant, rather use a natural form of birth control, which is also shared on the website.

You may also read this article: Does the Pill Cause Abortions - this article is found on Eirene Health Shop website, the shop is situated in Durbanville. 

Sterilization is also a form of birth control, it is very extreme, and believers unknowingly do this without consideration toward Yahweh God who created us and blessed us with the ability to be fruitful. In the past I used to ask Lorenzo to get a vasectomy, but he would say " Die Here het vir my niks gese' nie" (The LORD has said nothing to me).

Sometimes a woman's life is in danger during an operation, and sterilization is needed to save her life, or due to severe sickness or diseases it might be needed, but that is a different case to those who do it for the sake of preventing pregnancy. 
During sterilization, fallopian tubes are tied, cut, or metal clasps on put on - there are different ways to do it. I couldn't find the testimony of a woman from Kenya or Uganda, who shared how Yahweh God had shown her in a dream that she needed to remove the metal clasps from her fallopian tubes, at the time she had no idea how the sterilization was done (cut, tied, or blocked), but the Father was not happy about it. Please pray and ask Him if He wants you to do it (or your husabnd). You can read this testimony of a husband who had an encounter with God, during a time he was planning to have a vasectomy: The Flaming Sword

"Or do you not know that your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and you are not your own? For you were bought at a price; therefore glorify God in your body and spirit, which are God's"
1 Corinthians 6:19-20 NKJV

What we put in our bodies, be it medicine or even food, it does matter to the Father, we are responsible for our health, and the Father does expect us to take care of our bodies in a way that pleases Him. He has created us and created our bodies (reproductive organs) to function in a certain way, embrace and love your womb, fallopian tubes and ovaries! that has the ability to conceive and carry a child, HALLELUYAH!, it is natural and beautiful, it is part of being feminine.
Some contraceptives stop menstrual cycles! bleeding must occur from your womb, it is your bodies way of cleaning out an egg that has not been fertilized, embrace it! it is normal! If you struggle with painful periods, then find holistic ways to ease that pain.

I will end off by saying that if you (or your husband) have been sterilized and you regret your decision, you can pray and ask for forgiveness. If you can, go for a reversal, if that is not a possibility, then adoption is an option to, but know that at that time, you made the best decision with the information you had. Support married couples who grow their families, encourage women to have children, and to raise them in the fear of Yahweh.

Here are testimonies of Tubal Ligation Reversals

Here are testimonies of Vasectomy Reversals

"Know that Yahweh, He is God; It is He who has made us, and not we ourselves"
Psalm 100:3

(Disclaimer: I'm not a medical professional. Check with your medical Doctor for advice)

With Love


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