
Showing posts from May, 2024

Are Contraceptives and Sterilization Okay?

  This post is connected to the post I put out earlier today: The Blessing of Children.  Some women experience some degree of infertility due to hormonal birth control use, using it for many years, and when they want to conceive it takes very long, or worse, it has lifelong effects. Some mothers actually put their daughters on birth control from the age of 13 years old, by the time they get married, they struggle to conceive. Some women (young and old) have said to me that they regret getting sterilized. Because I have many children, it is fascinating to some, and I often end up in a conversation about conception to a woman, so I've heard many different stories, from women who have walked this road. Be careful about contraceptives and sterilization, don't make a decision right after you have just given birth, obviously at that stage you will be thinking "never again". If you would like to learn more about the dangers of hormonal birth control, you can watch an intervi

Understanding The Blessing of Children

  This post is dedicated to children (especially my own 💕). May you know that you are deeply loved and chosen by Yahweh God. No mistakes in the Kingdom, but you are called from the womb to live out His will in this earth. " For You are my hope, O Yahweh God; You are my trust from my youth. By You I have been upheld from birth: You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You.  I have become as a wonder to many, But You are my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with your glory all day." Psalm 71:5-8 One of the saddest things within the body of Messiah is the zero understanding of why we are called to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Do we know why we have children? Have you ever sat with a group of mothers, or even one or two mothers who DID NOT complain about how hard mothering is or complain about her children (me included) probably have not experienced that. When asked, "do you want mor