
Showing posts from April, 2024

I Want to Stay Home, But What About the Finances?

  I first want to start off by saying that each married couple's financial circumstances are different. Ours won't look like yours and vice versa, so when navigating this area of your life, both you and your husband need to be in regular communication about it and of course being prayerful as well. You won't be able to apply every single thing that I share, to your own life, but just as you are reading this blog post, so have I done, reading from other experienced wives/mothers, and finding what would work for us, using some of the advice and seeing that it actually works! I hope and trust in the Father, that it will be the same for you here. BUT....if you think that you will be able to walk this road without having faith, you are mistaken, we walk by faith and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). While I worked my resignation months finished, Lorenzo and I did our best in our human efforts to pay debt and learning to become good stewards of our finances, but our budget still did...

Submitting to Our Husband: Why and How

In the post I made, sharing my testimony about how I became a full time wife and mother , I mentioned the "feminist movement". If you would like to learn more about this movement, you may watch these two videos by a YouTube channel called "TruthUnedited": What is Feminism and The History of Our Mind Control I highly recommend that you take the time to watch the videos, it goes into great detail about how this movement came to be (FYI, the gentleman who is behind "TruthUnedited" is a follower of our Messiah, and so these videos are made from a Biblical perspective). If we want to break free from satan's mental bondages, then it is good to be renewed in our minds by knowing his works, so that we do not conform to the patterns of this world. (Romans 12:1; Hosea 4:6). I will give a very small summary about the movement in this post. It was in the 1950s/1960s that this movement started arising among women, it was not inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it was...

God's Practical Plan

  When I shared our journey to homesteading , it is no coincidence that yesterday I read thisπŸ‘‡πŸ˜Š, which I will share with you. This reading was taken from the book " 100 Days of Blessings, Devotions for Wives and Mothers, Volume 2" by Nancy Campbell. I'm not a big fan of "Daily Devotionals" but this, as well as Nancy's others are very "meaty", a daily devotion is usually 2-3 pages long.    Day 18 God's Practical Plan Part1 "Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce" (Jeremiah 29:5 NASB) Iam always amazed as I read God's Word to find how practical it is for our daily lives. God comes down to our "nitty gritty" and leaves us without a doubt as to how He wants us to live. In Jeremiah 29:5-11 NASB God sent a charge through the prophet to the Jews who were taken captive to Babylon. It was a practical message, reminding them of His original plan. Remember, they were commands to people living in ca...

Journey to Building Our Homestead

  As with many homeschooling families, the homesteading bug has bit us toπŸ˜ƒ. This old-fashioned lifestyle drew us in. We love that we can grow our own food, raise our own animals for meat, eggs and milk, and have a slower, simpler life. The quality of our food would be much better! no pesticides, and healthier raised animals. Anyone can start a little garden; herbs and some vegetables can be grown in containers on the balcony of a flat. I only started getting into gardening when I came home full time, I never knew that something like this would be for me, but apparently it is! 😁. When we lived in the city, we had a small space in the front of our home to plant, and in that little space we had harvested cherry tomatoes, spinach, green beans, potatoes, beetroot, green pepper, cabbage, thyme, mint, parsley and rosemary. I had no need to run to the grocery store to buy those things, I could just get it out of our garden! how rewarding! Being that we are a large family, this way of liv...

How I Became a Full -Time Wife and Mother: My Testimony.

  Before I start my testimony, you must know that I was not raised in an environment where Biblical womanhood was modelled to me, and naturally, I became a feminist. Being a keeper at home, being a Godly wife and mother was not something I ever saw. Okay, so let's fast forward to the year 2019. At this point of my life I've been married for 5 years, and I would rate my marriage a 6/10. I had 3 children, who attended daycare and school. I also worked full-time as a Dental Assistant, I was good at my job and earned a decent salary, but I had a tugging at my heart of not feeling satisfied with the state of my life, and this "tugging" feeling started shortly after my water baptism, it's clear to me now that it was the Holy Spirit working in me. My daily cycle would be waking up at the crack of dawn, rushing to get my little children up for creche and school, because Mama could not be late for work, getting home after 6pm (traffic is no joke), getting supper done and t...