I Want to Stay Home, But What About the Finances?

I first want to start off by saying that each married couple's financial circumstances are different. Ours won't look like yours and vice versa, so when navigating this area of your life, both you and your husband need to be in regular communication about it and of course being prayerful as well. You won't be able to apply every single thing that I share, to your own life, but just as you are reading this blog post, so have I done, reading from other experienced wives/mothers, and finding what would work for us, using some of the advice and seeing that it actually works! I hope and trust in the Father, that it will be the same for you here. BUT....if you think that you will be able to walk this road without having faith, you are mistaken, we walk by faith and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). While I worked my resignation months finished, Lorenzo and I did our best in our human efforts to pay debt and learning to become good stewards of our finances, but our budget still did...