How I Became a Full -Time Wife and Mother: My Testimony.


Before I start my testimony, you must know that I was not raised in an environment where Biblical womanhood was modelled to me, and naturally, I became a feminist. Being a keeper at home, being a Godly wife and mother was not something I ever saw.

Okay, so let's fast forward to the year 2019. At this point of my life I've been married for 5 years, and I would rate my marriage a 6/10. I had 3 children, who attended daycare and school. I also worked full-time as a Dental Assistant, I was good at my job and earned a decent salary, but I had a tugging at my heart of not feeling satisfied with the state of my life, and this "tugging" feeling started shortly after my water baptism, it's clear to me now that it was the Holy Spirit working in me.
My daily cycle would be waking up at the crack of dawn, rushing to get my little children up for creche and school, because Mama could not be late for work, getting home after 6pm (traffic is no joke), getting supper done and the children washed, fed, and in bed by 8pm, to start this again the next day. Can I just be honest here...…I hated this lifestyle, in the depths of me I couldn't believe that this was the life Yahweh God had set out for me. When I worked, I used to watch the other women and think "is this what I have to do until I retire", it seemed so very wrong to me, I missed my children(I only spent about 3-4 hours with them in the evenings - this is not normal), I longed to be a better wife, even though I didn't know what that looked like at the time, and I wanted to be home, but Lorenzo could not afford for me to be home.
One evening, in my distress, while Lorenzo lay asleep next to me, I climbed out of bed, and knelt down next to it, crying, and crying out to Yahweh God that I needed a change in my life, He needed to intervene for me.

About a month or so after I prayed this prayer, Yahweh introduced me to homeschooling through a patient at work, who homeschooled her own children. I then started researching homeschooling in South Africa, and I was amazed at how popular homeschooling is here! especially about how affordable it is (much cheaper than public and private schooling). I immediately told myself "I can do this, I will homeschool my children", and homeschooling became my ticket to get home. I was so excited about this, I shared it with Lorenzo, who did not agree, because hey, the idea was crazy! and we knew no one else who homeschooled, but I continued to pray and gather as much information I could on homeschooling. I spent every opportunity I had on my cellphone Googling homeschooling.

The researching led me to a South African mom's blog, who homeschooled her 8 children. It was through her blog, that the Father started ministering to me about my Biblical role as a wife and mother. The things I read on her blog, I had never heard spoken about in my circle of believing friends or have I heard it preached before. Things like, submitting to my husband, being a keeper at home, and intentional mothering by teaching and training my children to prepare them for the call Yahweh has planned for them. A whole new world was opened to me, and I felt like I was feasting at the Father's table as I read the things she explained. I was very hungry for His truth, and ready to receive from Him. I knew He was calling me home. I then went through a time of conviction and repenting of my sin as a believing woman.

On the 7th of June 2019, it was our wedding anniversary, and I typed Lorenzo a letter. In the letter I explained to him how the Father is teaching me about my role as a wife and mother. I apologized to him for not being a submissive wife, for not honoring and respecting him (regardless of what Lorenzo was or was not doing right in his role at that time, the fact is I was not doing my part as a wife, and I needed to repent for this). Through this letter, Lorenzo started realizing that he too has a role in our home, him being the priest, provider, protector and leader. My husband's heart changed, Yahweh turned his heart around, and Lorenzo confidently told me that I should resign from my job. The budget did not show that it was safe for me to be home, and I was also expecting our 4th child, but my very brave and courageous husband took a giant leap of faith. We took the children out of daycare and school, and I came home full-time, and I've been home ever since.

Me coming home has:
- Given me vision and purpose as a wife and mother, that I reign as queen in our home.
- It has changed my marriage for the better. I now rate my marriage a 20/10😍.
- It has strengthened my relationship with each one of my children, as I'm more available to them whenever they need me.
- As a family unit, we are much closer, and stronger.
- It has transformed me as a woman.
- And it has opened a doorway of blessings on our lives, as both Lorenzo and I said yes to the Father's order and structure for the home.

Yahweh can change the heart of anyone. Today I stand as a voice during these perverse times we are living in, to lead His daughters back to Him. To break free from the Babylonian mentality, which comes from the feminist movement. He is calling women back to Biblical standards, to be Biblically feminine in a wicked and crooked generation, we can shine His light as we do His will for our lives, and in turn touch the hearts of our husband, children and others who are around us.

" And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God"
Romans 12:2

" That they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed."
Titus 2:4-5

With Love



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