
Building Our Home

  If you have read my previous post ( Journey To Building Our Homestead ), then you know that we are in a process of moving onto a small piece of land. We should be out of our rented house by the end of July, and our new house is not up yet! it's supposed to be! 😖.  One of the main people in this process of building our home, has deeply disappointed us, the person just simply did not meet the time frame that was agreed upon, they knew all along that it would not be met, but the person continued to lie, and never communicated to us that the agreed time frame will not be met, until...the "bomb burst". This had thrown ALL our plans out of place, and we had to basically plan again on the very last minute (with no more money). The last month have been very stressful for both Lorenzo and I; we just could not believe that this person (whom my husband knew) would throw a curve ball like that at us.   It has been almost 3 years since we sold our home, we have been in the process

Moms Need to Deschool to.

Deschooling: "You need to ‘detox’ the children from what they learned in the school system. Actually, as parents,  we also need to detox  from our years spent in the school system! Deschooling refers to the period (6 weeks to 3 months) after you have taken your child out of school. Some homeschooling parents also use this term for when they are “taking a break” (although this would be more accurately described as unschooling) or are transitioning from one curriculum choice to another. Deschooling is similar to detoxing which we know from health sources as a time for changing diet, cutting out junk food, removing unwanted toxins from the human body. Deschooling  is a time where you allow your children freedom and space with  no academic work  to detox themselves of the school system." Taken from  Footprints on our land curriculum website . You may read the whole article by clicking on that link. We are currently in a transition of moving, and when Lorenzo gave me the go ahead

How To Love Our Children Well

"that they (older women) admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children , to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good......" Titus 2:4-5 Yahweh God teaches women in the scriptures that we need to love our children, He asks the older women within a congregation to teach young women to love their children. Since we need be taught this, it means that we have an ability to neglect our children. When I think of neglected children, the picture of struggling children, roaming the streets comes to my mind, they look as if they need a good wash, some decent clothes, and a warm meal to eat. I quickly think to myself "my children are not neglected", they are fed, clothed and sleep in a warm bed.... BUT there is so much more to a child than just that. When my 5th child was a few months old, Yahweh God gave me a dream, in the dream there was a group of children, very well dressed, different ages. They were conversating with one another, some had cellphones

Are Contraceptives and Sterilization Okay?

  This post is connected to the post I put out earlier today: The Blessing of Children.  Some women experience some degree of infertility due to hormonal birth control use, using it for many years, and when they want to conceive it takes very long, or worse, it has lifelong effects. Some mothers actually put their daughters on birth control from the age of 13 years old, by the time they get married, they struggle to conceive. Some women (young and old) have said to me that they regret getting sterilized. Because I have many children, it is fascinating to some, and I often end up in a conversation about conception to a woman, so I've heard many different stories, from women who have walked this road. Be careful about contraceptives and sterilization, don't make a decision right after you have just given birth, obviously at that stage you will be thinking "never again". If you would like to learn more about the dangers of hormonal birth control, you can watch an intervi

Understanding The Blessing of Children

  This post is dedicated to children (especially my own 💕). May you know that you are deeply loved and chosen by Yahweh God. No mistakes in the Kingdom, but you are called from the womb to live out His will in this earth. " For You are my hope, O Yahweh God; You are my trust from my youth. By You I have been upheld from birth: You are He who took me out of my mother's womb. My praise shall be continually of You.  I have become as a wonder to many, But You are my strong refuge. Let my mouth be filled with Your praise and with your glory all day." Psalm 71:5-8 One of the saddest things within the body of Messiah is the zero understanding of why we are called to be fruitful and multiply (Genesis 1:28). Do we know why we have children? Have you ever sat with a group of mothers, or even one or two mothers who DID NOT complain about how hard mothering is or complain about her children (me included) probably have not experienced that. When asked, "do you want mor

I Want to Stay Home, But What About the Finances?

  I first want to start off by saying that each married couple's financial circumstances are different. Ours won't look like yours and vice versa, so when navigating this area of your life, both you and your husband need to be in regular communication about it and of course being prayerful as well. You won't be able to apply every single thing that I share, to your own life, but just as you are reading this blog post, so have I done, reading from other experienced wives/mothers, and finding what would work for us, using some of the advice and seeing that it actually works! I hope and trust in the Father, that it will be the same for you here. BUT....if you think that you will be able to walk this road without having faith, you are mistaken, we walk by faith and not sight (2 Corinthians 5:7). While I worked my resignation months finished, Lorenzo and I did our best in our human efforts to pay debt and learning to become good stewards of our finances, but our budget still did

Submitting to Our Husband: Why and How

In the post I made, sharing my testimony about how I became a full time wife and mother , I mentioned the "feminist movement". If you would like to learn more about this movement, you may watch these two videos by a YouTube channel called "TruthUnedited": What is Feminism and The History of Our Mind Control I highly recommend that you take the time to watch the videos, it goes into great detail about how this movement came to be (FYI, the gentleman who is behind "TruthUnedited" is a follower of our Messiah, and so these videos are made from a Biblical perspective). If we want to break free from satan's mental bondages, then it is good to be renewed in our minds by knowing his works, so that we do not conform to the patterns of this world. (Romans 12:1; Hosea 4:6). I will give a very small summary about the movement in this post. It was in the 1950s/1960s that this movement started arising among women, it was not inspired by the Holy Spirit, and it was